Greek Skins Background Stories 1

Welcome back to a new article that tells the background stories of our loved skins.

In this article is the first part, which looks at the Greek mythology. “The Gods and Monsters Collection” was released on 26th May 2015 and has taken CS back to Ancient Greece with some really noteworthy skins. Now Gamerpay wants to tell you the wondrous stories behind the skins, but be prepared, not all of them have a happy ending.
Now have fun with our first 5 background stories.

AWP | Medusa

The AWP | Medusa is probably one of the best-known and most popular mythological figures. The AWP Medusa is probably one of the best-known and most popular mythological figures. However, this skin is actually quite expensive fun. In FN you can expect to pay at least €4,500 for it.
The good news is that the skin looks very good even in poorer condition, only the artwork gets a little darker. But you should also expect to pay €1,500 for a BS. Now let's talk a little about Medusa.

In the original story, Medusa was a child of the sea gods Keto and Phorkys. From birth, she and her two siblings Stheno and Euryale were regarded as deformities with wings and flapping hair who could turn anyone to stone with their stare.
Ovid wrote a much more tragic story of Medusa. In his version, Medusa was once a beautiful woman who was raped by Poseidon in the temple of Athena. Enraged by the desecration of her temple, Athena transformed the young woman into the mythical figure we know today.
Ovid thus closes the "logical gap" in the story of Medusa. She is the only one of the three Gorgons who is mortal. In the further course of the story

she is not exactly blessed with luck. Her head is cut off by Perseus, son of Zeus and Danai, with Perseus receiving help from his half-siblings Athena and Hermes.
When Perseus does this, something beautiful emerges from Medusa's head. The winged horse Pegasus and a golden warrior (Chrysaor). And one of them find its way to Counter-Strike.

The next three skins are closely interwoven in Greek mythology and belong to the legend of King Minos. We start with the story of Icarus and the skin dedicated to him.

The M4A1-S | Icarus Fell is a beautiful purple skin from the Gods and Monsters Collection with different patterns. Based on the story, you can see a sun with feathers on one side.
Depending on the pattern, different amounts of the sun can be seen, and the position and quantity also change. The price depends a little on the desired pattern. If you want to buy this mystical beauty, you should expect to pay at least €350.

Icraus was the son of Daedalus, a remarkable artist, inventor and builder. Daedalus fled with his son into exile in the domain of King Minos and was soon commissioned to build a shelter for the dangerous Minotaur.
Daedalus initially met his king's requirements, but soon fell out of favour.
There are different accounts of why this happened. In the end, Daedalus and his son Ikraus were imprisoned by the king. According to some traditions, they were imprisoned in the labyrinth they had built themselves. In order to escape captivity,
Daedalus invented wings by joining feathers and attaching the quills to each other with wax. He gave a few wings to his son and warned him not to fly too close to the sun.
Icarus ignored his father's warning and flew too high, so that the heat of the sun melted the wax and destroyed the wings. He fell into the sea and died, which was named the Icarian Sea as a result.As you can see, there are not only feathers on the skin, but also splashes of water. T
he place where Icarus was buried by his father was also named after him. The community of Ikraia.

AUG | Daedalus

The AUG | Daedalus is not exactly the most popular skin. One of the reasons for this could be that it doesn't look particularly clean even in FN. Anyway, on the skin you can recognise the labyrinth of the Minotaur built by Daedalus and with a maximum of €5 it is a relatively cheap skin.
We have already heard the story of his son. Now the focus should be on Daedalus. Legend has it that he had a pupil who threatened to surpass him in the art of building.
Out of envy, he killed the pupil and fled into the exile described above. The death of his son is therefore not only seen as a punishment for Icarus' own hubris, but also as revenge from the gods for his father's crime. Daedalus was able to escape from exile, but has never been happy again since.

UMP-45 | Minotaur's Labyrinth

Apart from the colour, the pattern of the UMP-45 | Minotaur's Labyrinth looks quite similar to that of the AUG. However, with the UMP you will find a small minotaur in the labyrinth, which can be seen in different places depending on the pattern.
The pattern is scratched with Contidion, but most FT are still scratch-free. Depending on the contidion and pattern, you pay around €100 for this skin.

Screenshot: UMP-45 | Minotaur's Labyrinth 1. FT 0,1667 #900, 2. FN 0,0005 #297

As a mythological figure, the Minotaur is almost as well-known as Medusa. His name was "Asterios" and he was the son of Queen Pasiphae (wife of Minos) and a bull. Yes, you have not misread.
King Minos asked his uncle Poseidon to give him the then not yet inherent royal dignity, in return for which Minos should sacrifice whatever would rise from the sea to the sea god.
Poseidon sent a beautiful bull, which King Minos refused to sacrifice and instead took into his herd. In return, Poseidon made Minos' wife desire the bull and from this union the Minotaur was born.
King Minos had a laybrinth built for his wife's son and ensured that the Athenians, who had previously been defeated by him, were to sacrifice seven virgins and young men to him every seven years.
In the end, Asterios is killed by Theseus when he allows himself to be smuggled into the maze as a tribute.

G3SG1 | Chronos

The last skin in this article is the G3SG1 | Chronos.
The skin seems surprisingly expensive, but the price is based on the fact that this skin can be used as a trade up for the M4A4 | Poseidon.
For the Chronos you pay an average of €180 and the pattern gets scratched with increasing condition.

The history of Chronos is not really long. He is the personification of time, which is well realised by the cogwheels in the skin. He was created from the Aither the Silver World Egg and is therefore one of the first "gods". He is often confused with Kronos, the father of Zeus, who has a much more detailed mythology.


The Gods and Monsters Collection has brought us some skins with an interesting background story. Part 2 continues with the mystical skins.

Find your mystic skin on GamerPay.


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