What is ev.io?

Recently we’ve spoken a lot about ev.io and the NIP AR. But what is ev.io exactly?

Here is a short intro to the gameplay, the skins, and why the FPS is worth giving a shot!

For this blog post, we have teamed up with the former CS player and current ev.io pro Eskezje. He is part of the top team in ev.io called Xborg Atlantic. Among other big achievements he recently won the first-ever ev.io LAN tournament.

So what is ev.io?

Let’s start out with the basics. Eske describes it as a fast-paced first-person shooter that might remind you of the good old Quake days. All you need is your browser. The game is completely free, and no installation is required.

The futuristic FPS has a very dynamic flow, where you can teleport and use impulse grenades that allow you to fly around the map. That is at least how it looks when you see Eskezje and his teammate Lex play the most common game mode on a competitive level - Team Deathmatch. 

Here is Eskeszje's own explanation of what ev.io is:

Why should CS players bother to look into it?

In essence, ev.io could be compared to getting warmed up in CS. So instead of going for a Deathmatch server or an aim trainer ev.io could do the trick in a more creative way, fueled by the different abilities of the game. 

Similar to CS, you can buy, trade and collect skins that can be resold.

*Don’t miss the upcoming exclusive NIP Skin.

What are the weapons of ev.io? 🔫

The game has a big variety of futuristic-looking weapons. You start out with the Auto Rifle, which is a fast shooting low impact gun and for the same reason, the most forgiving one as Eskezje puts it. It is like the AK47 of the game. 

The weapon portfolio spans from close combat weapons like the shotgun, SMG and RPG to long-range Sniper Rifles and Hand Cannons.

All weapons have their own perks and possibilities as you can learn more about in this in-depth explanation of the different weapons in the game. 

Are CS players any good at playing the game?

For Eskezje, the answer is yes. CS players are good at ev.io. Maybe not in their first-ever match, but once they get a good sense of the special abilities this game offers they can really kill it.

Eskezje has seen good friends coming in from CS and being able to play at the competitive level of the game. So those 10,000 USD tournaments might not be that far away.

If you want to learn more about how Eskezje got into ev.io and his insights into the game as a pro player himself, you can find the full interview with Eske right here. 👇

So what are you waiting for? ev.io is completely free and can be played via your browser right here! Get to fragging!

Oh! And don’t miss out on the upcoming Ninjas in Pyjamas AR for ev.io. Probably the best skin in the game.


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