The best CS2 Screenshot spots

Are you interested in selling your skins or upgrading your Steam profile?
Why not display some of your cool skins with the Source 2 touch?

In this article, we show you the best Screenshot spots on the official CS2 maps,
so that you can have some great pictures of your inventory.

Now with workshop maps, you can enhance your experience.
So strap in and look at our article! We show you how to make screenshots, give you useful commands and even show you some nice spots for them on maps that are in the game right now!

But how do I make a lobby for Screenshots?

This neat addition to CS2 makes it easy to start a lobby.
You go on “Play” 🠮 “Practice” 🠮 “Competitive” 🠮 you activate “Infinite Warmup” and then click on “Go”.

Infinite Warmup allows you to buy a lot of guns without more confusing commands.
After you join on the map, ensure you have your console enabled, because the console is needed for the next step!

Commands for better Screenshot

sv_cheats 1, so you can enable the next two commands
cl_drawhud 0, so the HUD gets disabled
noclip, to fly and reach places that are out of the playable area.

*1 is “activated” while 0 is “disabled”.

With all these commands we have a nice base for Screenshots which just focus on the skins/knife or gloves alone. Now we just need good backgrounds, that are not too messy and draw the attention away from what you initially want to show.


One of the prettiest, most stunning maps of Counter Strike 2 has to be Anubis. It is just so good-looking!
Here are a few amazing Screenshot spots on Anubis that you can use for your skins!

This astonishing scenery can be found on CT Spawn. Just use noclip and fly a bit out in the clear and bright blue.

This little utopia can be found while hopping over the fence on B-long with noclip.


In Italy, the light is quite difficult to capture at a right angle that lets the gun stand out.
But we like this simpler version. Not every picture needs the “perfect lighting”.

This scene can be found on the bridge near T-spawn.


Another great contester for the best-looking CS2 map is Ancient. It got quite a significant upgrade with its Source 2 release. And its Screenshot locations also speak for that.

You can use noclip to go on the Temple stairs overlooking the B-site.

Why not go minimalistic?
If you turn around on the CT-spawn you have a simple and efficient background for your screens.


The new Inferno also has a few good spots to take some Screenshots.
We particularly like the outside of the A-Bombsite.

Use noclip and you can align or use quite a lot of the scenery. It is very versatile.


Thank you for reading our article/half of a guide for CS2 screenshots.
Tell us if you have some better spots on the maps we have shown or even maps
that we did not even think of!
Do not forget to check out!
Your Marketplace for skins.


Goodbye 2023!


Counter-Strike 2 is officially released!