Five Strange Skin Designs

There is something for almost everyone in the world of Counter-Strike skins. Whether you like it colorful, minimalist, dark, mystical or classic. And every skin (or let's say almost every skin) has its right to be part of the game.

Some of them are true artistic masterpieces, while others play with shape and color.

And then there are the skin designs that we want to introduce to you today.

Don't get us wrong, we're not saying they don't look good. We're just asking the question: "What exactly was going through your head when you designed this skin?"

No. 5 Five-SeveN | Fairy Tale

The Five-SeveN | Fairy Tale looks a bit like the dream of every 7 year old child who is in their pink, princess-phase. A pink castle, pink unicorn and a pink baby unicorn (or unicorn as a pony?). The fairy princess in Ciderella style (just one shoe) with Ariel hair could not have been better illustrated by children's book authors.
There is even a row of little hearts engraved on the lower gun barrel. And then we have this:

This masterpiece of a unicorn looks a bit like the creator realized just before the deadline that he still had to design the back of the weapon.
I love it!

This skin will cost you about €30 in FN, the worse the condition gets, the more scratches you will find on the pattern, but you will definitely find very good playskins in MW. The skin is also available in ST.

No. 4 Glock-18 | Snack Attack

The Glock-18 | Snack Attack deserves a closer look just because of its funny title. It is the only CS skin that has been applied to the weapon in 3D style.
Due to the transparent, glittering base structure, you can not only see different kinds of silly fast food items but also the ammunition and the barrel tube underneath them.

Due to its unique design, the change of skin behaves slightly differently when the condition gets low.
Scratches appear on the first layer, i.e. the "filling material", which makes the skin slightly darker and less transparent.
Just as if you had scratches on epoxy resin. You can buy an FN for as little as €20 and an FN ST for around €65.

No. 3 MAC-10 | Monkeyflage

The MAC-10 | Monkeyflage is definitely one of the skins where I always ask myself: “Yes, but why?”
Three monkeys of different colors, with a strange expression on their faces, holding each other by the tail. This skin is definitely cheap, for under €1 you can get an ST FN and honestly, once you get used to it, it's quite alright.

No. 2 SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist

For me, the SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist definitely has the best name and motif combination.
Who hasn't been scared to death because a chicken unexpectedly came towards you in a Counter-Strike match?
I'm also a big fan of the creepy fighter chicken. But to be honest, the design is a bit crazy. An ST FN Skin is under €1, so no there is no reason, not to go for the Poltergeist chicken!

No. 1 M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S

We have already gone through the princess phase and are now entering the dinosaur phase. The M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S was definitely designed by a big fan of the Jurassic Park series.
If you are also a big dinosaur fan, you only have to pay between €2 and €3 for this skin in FN, if you also want ST it is around € 9 (FN).


All these skins may have a slightly more unconventional motif, but they will find their niche in the game.
They are not too expensive and are somehow pretty cute.
Feel free to browse for more skins at GamerPay.


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